My first Camera
My first Camera

My first Camera

My photography history started back in middle school in the late 1960s, my mother would walk me to school as it was only a couple of miles from home, as I got older around 9 years old I would walk to school on my own or with my brother and I would go the the sweet shop across the road from school, I liked to get among other things a Mars chocolate bar, one day they started a competition where you would collect letters printed on the wrappers.

The Idea was to collect the letters printed on the wrappers and stick them on to a card to complete a crossword I think, as I would buy sweets with my pocket money on the way to school anyway I started to collect the wrappers, and I would often find discarded wrappers so I quickly collected up all the letters I needed.

My brother also collected the letters so when we completed our crosswords we sent of to get a camera, I don’t think I had ever held or used a camera before in all my 9 years, It was a cheap plastic point and shoot camera probably one step up from a disposable or single use camera and I have a feeling it was a 126 cartridge camera, I remember taking the camera to school and taking photos of my friends and when we went to play sport in the local park, I have a vague memory of taking the prints to school so they must have been developed but I could be wrong.

I have no idea what happened to the prints or negatives if any, the pictures taken back on those few days are now are lost forever.

I wouldn’t get another camera for a few years.

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